So I read this book everyday called "Healing After Loss: Daily Meditations for Working Through Grief" by Martha Whitmore Hickman. My amazing cousin, Michelle AKA Steiney, bought it for my mom right after Alex died, but I stole it because I didn't really want to read a whole grief book. So instead I read a daily message and it gives me something relatable to think about throughout the day. I usually read one on my way to work. It works out great because there is one for each day of the year. It relaxes me and brings me back to reality, forcing me to deal with the process I am still going through.
I really loved today's entry which started off with this quote:
"Grief teaches the steadiest minds to waver." - Sophocles
The excerpt was about decision making and how even the simplest of choices can seem impossible to make. My usual system of "choice making" is altered because of the grief completely effecting my life.
I have begun
to realize that feeling grounded is such a blessing. It's hard to be so wishy washy, but that's the constant state of flux that exists during a time of grief. Tonight I had dinner with two of my closest friends who happen to be twin sisters, Jessica and Becky. They are both very different but have a very close bond. They have been there for me so much over the past 7 months. Last year Jessica had twi
n daughters, Kylie and Gianna - those cuties in the picture! You want to talk about a life-changing experience? She has changed her life with so much grace and integrity in no time at all. It's so awesome to watch her with her daughters because it was not too long ago that we were galavanting around Chicago getting hammered silly and making really bad decisions. So it's interesting to recognize the choice that she has made and the person that she has become in just a short year. The respect I have for her is insurmountable. To see her with her daughters is so endearing. They are beautiful little girls and every time I am with them I feel more and more connected to being a mom and having a family of my own one day. I bring this up because whether the change has been death or life, it's still challenging and life-changing.
Now Becky has a different situation. God, I love my Big Bad Becks! Becky is the sweetest person you will ever know and I respect her so much. She has lived in Libertyville her entire life, loves her family and friends, and would be perfectly fine in her state and place for her entire life.
Anyways, the moral of the story is that no matter what kind of choice needs to be made, there will always be cause for concern but the way I look at it is, if you try it atleast you will never regret n
ot trying it. Life is too short to wonder. Because my brother made a poor choice that fateful evening on the 15th of December, it cost him his life. I am not going to hold myself back from living life to the fullest. It's what he would have wanted and I am always going to honor that. I feel like I am living life for two people now, Alex and myself, so that at least when I see him again, because I have a feeling I will, I can show him that his memory never left my heart.

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