Oh media, how you amaze me! We all have those celebs we love to hate, but there comes a point when you really question the objective of their existence in the spotlight. I often ask myself, why have these morons been chosen out of 300+ million people to represent our country's standards of entertainment worth? It is disheartening that people with pointless and annoying positions make millions of dollars doing absolutely nothing! And shame on you, America, for buying into it!! I'm not a perfect person, but come on Hollywood...why??? The following people not only annoy the shite out of me, but make no qualms about their shameless existence either.
Paris Hilton
Need I say more?
Mary Murphy
Look at this picture! Does this not make your skin crawl? Now, I pray you have never actually listened to Mary Murphy speak before. But if you have, this picture says it all - annoying, loud and obnoxious. I've never actually seen Mary Murphy dance before, but she is a judge on So You Think You Can Dance, so I guess that makes her important, but literally everything she says involves a high pitched almost Southern mama cooking up bacon and grits in the kitchen type of roar. Mary, we can hear you. Tone it down a notch. I mean, I guess she could have worse attributes. I just can't help but feel like I'm being assaulted while watching a fun show! Not cool, Murphy.
If you want to hear what I'm talking about, just click on Scary Mary. Ann Coulter
This woman is proof that you can pretty much insult any culture, person, belief or any human right in general, and not only get famous for it, but have civilians site you as a credible and watch-worthy source. Sure, she's skinny and blond and seems wholesome. But the minute she opens her mouth you want to go out to the first PetSmart and buy her a muzzle. I don't hate her because she is the rebel of the Conservative persuasion. I just find her accusations of liberal and innovative ideals to be really harsh and poorly backed-up. I mean, this was the woman who said, "We just want Jews to be perfected, as they say," while arguing that it would be better if we were all Christians. First of all, Ann, Jews run much of your industry, and we're still putting you on the air - be grateful, not hateful. Bitch.
Click on Ann to experience her idiotic verbal assault on humanity.
More to come manana!!
1 comment:
amazing as alway
ur biggest fan
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